Our shipments arrive from 3 to 5 days.
You will receive the guide to track your order, once it has been shipped from our warehouse.
You can pay for your purchase safely with Visa, Master and American Express cards. You can also pay with Paypal and Mercadopago.
At Punto Sub S. de R. L. de C. V. and/or Bonassi Official, we have a return policy, which consists of a set of rules or regulations that we established to offer the return of purchased products to customers who favor with their purchase. or acquisition of our products, giving in exchange for this return a new product, or a voucher for another purchase.
The Client must present the sales note or sales invoice to request the change and/or return at the branch or send an email to the following address: ventas@puntosub.com.mx, informing of the intention and reason for the return.
The legitimate, controlled and informed treatment of your personal data is of vital importance to achieve the objectives of our company, through all areas of the business and reiterate our commitment to your privacy and the right to informational self-determination.
We research species migration and environmental preservation to build up an eco-friendly culture.